If today you ll give me two millions for shopping sure im telling you 1.5m I ll buy shoes. I love buying shoes as I like to change them everyday and have new shoes to any party.
To you it might be a very complicating equation but it isn’t what you think, U might be saying how can something that ur putting on your feet can tell anything about you.
Well before I tell you anything let me remind you that the world has changed, everything has been upside down. What you think is the smallest now is the biggest
I ll tell you the secret of shoes that can do to clothes and clothes can not do to shoes, Classic shoes can change your very simple outfit to a magnificent once which clothes can not do to shoes. If ur wearing a bad shoes they will always be that bad no matter how pretty or expensive ur cloth is.
But a very simple and sometimes the cheapest one can be change to some kind of new trend.
I ll tell you with examples look at Rihanna she is wearing a very simple cloth and may be very cheap if your not going to buy in expensive Boutiques but take a look to the shoes, wow they are in to fashion with a golden color, a color of the year. They changed absolutely everything to her, everything seems to be fine on tha stage.
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